• Hypnosis is simply a state of relaxed focus. It is a natural state that each of us enters at least twice a day: when we fall asleep & when we wake up. The fuzzy, timeless state between dreaming and awake is the hypnotic or trance state.

    There are many other times that people enter a natural state of trance. Driving, watching TV, listening to music, pursuing a hobby or activity in "flow" state. These are all "altered states of consciousness" and all are various levels of trance. Trance or hypnosis is normal, natural and common.

    Some people leave their first hypnotherapy session saying, "I wasn't hypnotised - I knew what was going on the whole time! I felt normal!" Of course you did. Hypnosis is not amnesia or lack of awareness. In fact, just the opposite is true: hypnosis is a state of very heightened awareness and focus.

    Movies and stage shows have created many myths about hypnosis. Not remembering anything from the session or not being in control are two of those myths. Only under special, sometimes desired, circumstances would a person not remember everything from a session.

    Much more can be accomplished when the person undergoing hypnosis remembers the session.

  • Hypnosis is the state of focus & relaxation that your therapist guides you into with your permission.

    Your conscious mind is quieted. You’re able to tap into your subconscious mind where your beliefs, perceptions, emotions, memories and behaviours originate.

    In this state, you’re more open to gentle guidance from your therapist to help you reframe unconscious memories and connected emotions that drive your current behaviour.

  • Studies show that online hypnosis is just as effective as meeting in person. We follow the same structured approach in-person and online.

    Online hypnosis additionally means that you gain access to high-quality hypnosis sessions from the comfort of your own home/location of choice, without geographical boundaries or the need to travel.

    You might even feel more relaxed and comfortable in the location of your choice which positively impacts the process, experience and results.

  • Hypnotherapy is the process of using hypnosis to interact with the subconscious mind in an open-reflective process to create positive change in your life.

    Different styles of hypnotherapy have in common: a strong desire to change, a state of deeply relaxed focus, as well as language and visualisation or imagination related to emotions.

  • You are always in control, you can always hear what's going on. Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxed focus that you enter at least twice a day, likely much more often than that.

    If at any time you are in trance and wish to be fully awake, ask your therapist to count you out or do it for yourself: "1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 eyes open, wide awake”.

  • Serious psychiatric or mental health problems should be treated by a qualified psychotherapist or psychiatrist. Hypnotherapy can be a very helpful and effective accompanying treatment.

    Medical problems with the physical body need to be treated by a physician, who can, at their discretion, prescribe or recommend hypnotherapy for e.g. pain control or relaxation.

    Drug addiction, family dynamics disorders, clinical depression and other such problems need to be treated by doctors and psychiatrists, who can, at their discretion, prescribe or recommend hypnotherapy as a supplementary treatment.